Klout has finally launched their Android app allowing users to share stuff across the web and gain Klout Perks. What are Klout Perks? That is the question isn’t it? For someone who has never heard of or used Klout before, the website and now Android app allows for users to take the kinds of things that they love and share it with followers to make yourself known across social media. Klout can help you become known by posting relevant topics that are suggested by the app, eventually raising your Klout score.
The higher your score gets is what can lead you to obtaining Klout perks, which can be anything from gift cards to other free goods. Klout works by analyzing social data and then suggesting topics or news articles to you for the ability to post them to the web. You can do things like set times for when certain posts might be appropriate, so if you see a news article relating to something you know your followers would want to see, but want to make sure they don’t miss it, you can opt to have things posted later in the day if you know a larger group of your social media followers will be on around that time. The idea behind Klout is to help you create, manage, and share content to the web so you can be known for what you love and what interests you.
As with anything that has a rewards system, Klout perks are simply a way for you to be rewarded if you have a more influential reach to those who follow you across social media. As an example, Klout automatically knows that anything relating to Android, Tech, and Games would be big interests of mine. So, it scans multiple forms of social media for news and content relating to those topics that I might want to post and throws them in my Klout feed at the bottom of the app. If I find something that I like I can simply drag it up to the content box above and set the parameters. That’s really all there is to it. It can help you manage your social posts better and even gives you an easy way to add or remove topics you don’t care for. You can check the app out by hitting the Play Store link.