LG Releasing Heart Rate Earphones and Lifeband Touch Next Week

Finally, after showing off both of these devices at CES in January, LG is finally releasing them next week. The Lifeband Touch is one of LG’s first wearables, and it’s more of a fitness tracker, and does have a curved OLED display, sort of like the LG G Flex. While the Heart Rate Earphones are Bluetooth headphones that can track your heart rate. Both devices hit shelves on May 18th. They are also both compatible with any Android and iOS device. Which is pretty surprising, but in a good way.

Of course, the Lifeband Touch isn’t the wearable that everyone is waiting on from LG, but it is one that I’ve looked forward to using. Right now, everyone is looking forward to the LG G Watch, which we should see shortly after Google I/O. We may also see another LG smartwatch later this year. But a fitness tracker is also sweet to have. It’s not running Android Wear, but it does work pretty well. Now the Heart Rate Earphones are just plain cool. Especially for those out there that are runners, you can track your heart rate while you are running, which is a big feature. So far there’s no price on either device just yet, but we should see those prices pretty soon. Hopefully they aren’t too crazily priced.

Both devices do connect to Runkeeper, and MyFitnessPal on either iOS or Android. So that you can keep track of your running, your heart rate and more. With both devices being compatible on the two major smartphone platforms, how many of you are planning on picking one up? I think it’s great that LG was able to make them compatible with devices that are not made by LG, unlike their neighbor. Let us know in the comments down below.