OnePlus Smash the Past Winner Receives an Empty Box as his Prize

So yeah, OnePlus definitely isn’t hitting all the right notes in the marketing department. While they have a pretty nice smartphone out there, and a great price point for it. Things like the Smash the Past contest haven’t gone as planned. So originally, they were going to choose 100 people to smash their current smartphone and buy the OnePlus One for a dollar. Well that didn’t go over well, so they made the contest so that you can donate your phone too if you wanted to do so. So that’s all fine and good move on OnePlus’ part. Yesterday, we got a report of a couple of winners receiving their OnePlus One without a charger and SIM card tool. Which makes it pretty much impossible to put your SIM card in the device or charge it. Unless your old device had a SIM card tool.

Now another guy, based in Italy, did an unboxing of his OnePlus One, only to find out that DHL brought him an empty box. So where is his OnePlus One? The guy felt that the box was a bit light, and well that would be because there’s only a card in there saying “this is only the beginning”. Obviously this guy has contacted OnePlus about the issue, and they are said to be investigating this. We don’t know whether something happened after it left OnePlus, or if the company forgot to put a phone in his box, or what happened. But I’m sure his smartphone will be replaced soon. It’s just sad to see this type of thing happen to those that won this contest.

Hopefully we don’t hear any more reports of users getting empty boxes, or missing SIM card tools or missing chargers. The OnePlus marketing team is already working overtime trying to spin this into something positive, I’m sure.