Are you often times finding it hard to lock your GPS down on your location for more accurate navigation or walking directions? Perhaps you just want to have an easier time checking in to the places you love to frequent. If you’re like me, than you’d really love for a better and more accurate positioning when trying to cap that portal, or get in a quick hack before the enlightened come try to wreck things. While GPS can be quite good on some handsets, it is really rather sub-par on others which can make for a frustrating and tiny bit annoying experience when trying to use anything that needs the GPS to work properly.
This is definitely something that could be solved by a technology called Quantum Positioning, and it’s a lot closer to making its way into consumer based devices than you might think. OK, so in actuality it’s still probably a good five or six years off at the absolute minimum for consumer devices and products that are available to the general public, but the UK military is already implementing this type of tech into a sub marine to help it get more accurate positioning results when under water. Since a sub can’t use GPS under water, they have to rely on accelerometers to give them the correct positioning of their location, which is where the latest Quantum Positioning accelerometer comes in as something they have built into a sub marine that sets off in 2016. That’s a couple years away from now, so you get the idea that it isn’t something we’ll see in next years mobile devices.
The new accelerometer is said to use super cooled atoms that are trapped by lasers and are capable of tracking movements with an accuracy that is 1,000 times better than that of GPS. Could you imagine that inside you smartphone? You would never have trouble getting the most accurate directions to a family picnic again. There is still lots and lots of work to be done before this type of technology could be built into things we use or interact with every day, especially since the sub-marine it’s currently being fitted into for the start of testing doesn’t begin for a couple more years, but the idea is quite exciting to think stuff like this is on the way.