Snap A Super Selfie And Get A Special Edition S.H.I.E.L.D. HTC One M8

HTC is all about super heroes. So it would seem. First they hire Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr. as their spokesperson(twice) for ad spots, and recently they had a huge cross promotion campaign with the new Captain America film, Captain America The Winter Soldier that saw HTC phones making cameo appearances throughout the movie. Keeping the promotion going, HTC is giving 14 super fans the chance to win a special edition S.H.I.E.L.D. version of the HTC One M8 by taking the most super looking selfie you can and submitting it for your chance to win.

The Rules are fairly simple. You can only enter once per day and each selfie you take has to display has to be Captain America inspired. The rules don’t state however that you have to be dressed like Captain America, so go wild and get creative with it as long  as it’s inspired by Captain America. The selfie must also be posted along with the hashtag #superselfie. With the hashtag mention it’s obvious that the contest takes place on Twitter, but don’t think that HTC forgot about you Facebook fans. There is a separate promotion page where you can go to enter if you don’t have a Twitter account and still participate. The contest Goes till May 15th so you have about ten days if you count today to get in your the best selfie shots you can. It’s also worth noting that this HTC One M8 is no different from the other models short of the Marvel inspired logo. However that doesn’t mean that only Marvel fans need apply. Anyone who is looking to get their hands on a free M8 should take the time to enter at least once.

There’s a limited amount of time to get in on this so if you want to do something grand and spectacular in an attempt to win, we suggest you get started and fast. Links to the official rules can be found on the official contest page which the link for is posted below. Are you super enough to enter this contest? Prove to HTC that your selfies have what it takes to earn a S.H.I.E.L.D. M8.