Description: From the same company that develops File Expert comes Web PC Suite, which despite its pretty basic naming scheme has a lot to offer. Essentially giving you complete access to your Android smartphone or tablet from any web browser without the need to download any software. Like other apps that offer this sort of functionality, Web PC Suite gives users a Desktop-like interface to download files from their phone to their PC just using a web browser and allows you put files onto your device as well. You can manage music and movies too, even allowing you to read text files from your device and watch movies as well. There are a good many apps like this available for Android now, so what makes Web PC Suite any different? Read on as we try to answer that in our review.
How it Works: Before you can start managing files online, you’ll have to download Web PC Suite from the Play Store. From there, you’ll have to go through the short setup on your tablet or smartphone.
Getting everything set up is really easy, scanning the QR code you see on your PC or Laptop is really quick and once you have the two paired together, you’ll see the Desktop-like interface connected to your device.
From there, you can open certain aspects from your phone, like images in the Gallery as well as get a quick look at how much storage you have on your device.
One thing that particularly impressed me is that these windows can be minimized and closed just like a Desktop OS and navigating through files and such is really quick and easy. One of the best features of the app however, is of course the file browser which feels like a comprehensive app that offers a number of advanced options.
Using this file browser, you can quickly upload files to your device without the need of a USB cable. This is great as this means you can access your Android device’s files from whatever operating system you like as long as they’re on the same network.
You can even read txt files from your device using Web PC Suite.
Opinion: There are a lot of apps available that do the same sort of thing as Web PC Suite, but the file browsing aspect here is one of the better I’ve seen here. With this, I finally have a simple and easy way to upload files to my Android devices from my Chromebook, and it works great in Chrome, Firefox and whatever else you want to use. A great way to be able to connect to your Android device from whichever operating system you’re using, Web PC Suite doesn’t care whether you’re on Mac, Windows or Linux – it just works.
- Speed (4/5) – Setup is nice and quick and files were handled over my network quickly and easily.
- Features (5/5) – While there are other apps that do what Web PC Suite does, the file browser here is excellent, it offers as good an experience as Windows or Mac OS without the need of a cable or anything like that at all.
- Theme (4/5) – A light an airy theme works well here and it’s easy enough to use.
- Overall (4/5) – Web PC Suite is excellent for those times you can’t find a microUSB cable and want to get access to your device. As a file browser, this is excellent.
- Easy to setup and get working right away.
- Allows for reading of text, viewing of pictures and even the ability to watch your videos from your Android device.
- Great for sending files of any type back and forth to your tablets or smartphones.
- Excellent file browser.
- Keeps device awake by default, but this can easily and clearly be changed in the settings.
- Doesn’t allow for uninstalling of apps on your device, just installing of APKs.
Conclusion: Web PC Suite is a great way to get access to your Android device wirelessly, no matter what operating system you’re running or web browser. It’s a great way of getting access to files of any kind, as the file browser here is excellent and sending files to your phone is nice and easy. Being able to review txt files and images from your laptop or PC is a nice touch and it can really help you need to show something to colleagues or to family and you don’t have a cable or the right drivers to hand. It’s free and works quickly and effortlessly, so there’s little reason not to give it a go.