Sponsored Game Review: Quantum

Description: Quantum is a puzzle game for Android that delivers some very different looks while challenging you to get the perfect bounce when playing. The idea behind Quantum is to launch a number of particles from the center of the screen to their respective goals. With some psychedelic graphics that are colorful and enticing, Quantum features 100 levels, cool kaleidoscope effects and a wicked soundtrack as well as some cool power-ups to help you get through these brain-killing levels. Take a look at the trailer below for more.

How it Works: First of all, you’ll need to download Quantum from the Play Store before you’re ready to play. You can try out the free version or pay a small fee to get the full version with no ads.

Hitting the question mark will bring you to instructions on how to play, which are very much worth reading.

With a whole bunch of levels to choose from, you know there’s a lot on offer to keep you busy for a long time to come.

When in-game, things are pretty straight forward, but they require some brainpower to make sure you’re doing the right thing. You need to release particles from the center generator and get them to where they need to go. You’ll have to figure out which direction to fire them in to get the “perfect bounce” to get them past all barriers and obstacles.

Power-ups can be found on the left-hand side of the display, and you’ll need to use some of them in order to score the best you can.

Opinion: There’s no denying Quantum is a very different type of game on Android, but the different theme and gameplay from other puzzle games is definitely a welcome one. It’s a little difficult to get into at first, but once you get used to the way Quantum plays, you’ll be more than happy with the results you’ll get from Quantum. A cool-looking game that works well on tablets as well as smartphones, Quantum is definitely worth looking at it if you’re into your technology and you like puzzle games in general.


  • Speed (4/5) – Quantum ran well on a number of devices and the pace is quick enough to freshen up the puzzle genre.
  • Features (4/5) – With some excellent gameplay quirks, Quantum is very much worth looking at if you’re a puzzle fan or not.
  • Theme (5/5) – It’s a shame that the game doesn’t fill displays (we assume this is an aspect ratio thing) but the game looks stunning regardless and has a look and feel all its own.
  • Overall (4/5) – A fun game with some interest mechanics that makes puzzle games feel fun again, Quantum is worth taking a look even if you’re not a big puzzle player.


  • Definitely a unique look and feel here, Quantum is a cool-looking game.
  • Lots of levels on offer for players to sink their teeth into.
  • Genuinely requires some real thinking to get from level-to-level, you can’t cheat your way through Quantum.
  • Clear and easy to follow instructions help make this an accessible game.


  • Game doesn’t fill the screen on Android, which can sour the experience a little.
  • Inexperienced puzzle players might not find this as fun as those who have a lot of experience.

Conclusion: Quantum is a game that everyone should try out, although those that genuinely like and play a lot of puzzle games will enjoy this more than anyone else. The unique look and feel certainly help draw players in and the difficulty from level-to-level is satisfying enough to keep experienced puzzle players playing for a long time to come. It is quite difficult, and those new to puzzle games might be put off by that, but if you stick with it, Quantum is a satisfying game for Android.