Those of you out there who subscribe to Straight Talk prepaid wireless services are in for a nice little change. That is, if you’re on the $45 plan. Originally, the $45 plan came with 2.5GB of high-speed data for usage, and if surpassed, customers on this plan were throttled down to 2G data speeds for the remainder of the 30 day cycle. It isn’t uncommon for carriers to throttle their users data speeds after a certain point. The good news here though is that Straight Talk decided to increase the amount of High Speed data on that particular plan.
If 2.5GB wasn’t enough for you than maybe an extra 500MB will do the trick. The $45 plan now provides subscribers with 3GB of High Speed data before your data slows down to 2G speeds. Basically they’re just giving you 500MB of data for free, and who would want to argue with that? It doesn’t beat T-mobiles plan for $30 that gives users 100 talk minutes, unlimited text and 5GB of High Speed data before the throttle, but I don’t talk a whole lot so perhaps it’s just me. As far as I know that particular plan may also not be available anymore. When it comes to Straight Talk, most of you may already be aware that you can set up for their services in two places. Either in a Walmart location or online at their website. Personally if we were going to set up Straight Talk for ourselves, we’d choose to set up online. Anything to avoid having to set foot inside of a Walmart.
Furthermore, if you’re not really much of a data user outside of WiFi connections, Straight Talk also has a $30 plan which they just “enhanced”, giving customers 1,500 minutes, unlimited messaging, and 100MB of data. 100MB might be a bit low for most people, but we know there are some of you that rarely use the data portion of your smartphone while out and about in areas where WiFi isn’t available. It’s also not a bad deal if you’re someone who just doesn’t use data at all and communicates the old-fashioned way, through voice with a little bit of messaging.