With reports that Google could be looking to buy up the popular online game streaming service Twitch, gamers are suffice it to say, having some mixed feelings over the whole matter. Some think that if Twitch becomes part of Google’s YouTube division that Twitch might finally get some mainstream recognition and that perhaps, just maybe, that Twitch might finally end up with a decent app. That’s all relative of course and depends on how your feelings are towards YouTube, Google, and the current Twitch app. On the other side of things a lot of gamers seem to be worried about the possible acquisition because they think that Google will just end up ruining Twitch in the long run. They’re not exactly unfounded fears. Gamers have the right to be a little bit worried that the popular service they currently know and love might soon end up completely different and take a step backwards.
Some of the concerns come from the fear that Google will try to heavily force Google accounts integration into Twitch and thus upsetting the balance of the site. Twitch currently has a lack of forced identity which the online community seems to appreciate. When you sign up with Twitch to live stream or just watch and chat with other gamers doing the streaming, you can choose to sign in with Facebook but they don’t force you to use your real name. Think of it like having the ability to create and use a gamer tag as your online profile. You all probably remember the way that Google integrated Google+ with YouTube not too long ago. Many people welcomed the change but there was a huge backlash of individuals that didn’t particularly appreciate losing their online YouTube identity and having it replaced with their G+ profile and real names.
There’s also the fear that with a YouTube take over of Twitch, some of the experiences may depreciate due to potential copyrighted content. YouTube’s Content ID is the main worry, with gamers and users afraid that Twitch will end up with this particular system in place as well. The idea behind Content ID is for Google to prevent the uploads of copyrighted content to YouTube which could be anything from gameplay footage to the use of certain songs in the background of the video uploads. If Content ID crosses over to Twitch, then some of what makes Twitch so popular could end up disappearing. Nothing is set in stone at this point so even if the acquisition does happen, Google has a chance to make sure they don’t mess with something that has a good thing going. There would be nothing wrong with Google allowing the option of signing in with Google on Twitch but some people are more accepting of it being an option instead of a forced integration. A YouTube buyout of Twitch doesn’t have to be a bad thing so long as Google leaves things be that don’t need a change. What do you think about the possibility of Twitch becoming part of YouTube? Would the sale mean certain doom for Twitch or would be open minded to the idea?