It’s hard to believe that 2014’s Google I/O developers conference is almost here, but here we are on June 15th which puts us just 10 days away from the biggest Google event of the year. Once we’re there, it’ll mark the 2-year anniversary of the Google Glass unveiling and the beginning of the Glass Explorer program, although Explorer units were only available for pre-order purchases at the time and units weren’t shipped out to those who paid for them at the event until some time later. Since than Google Glass has lots of time in the spotlight, both equally good and bad, and there have been many developments and apps to come to the platform from both Google and third party developers, in total there are one hundred and fourteen. It’s been through multiple rounds of invites for the Explorer Program and has finally reached a completely open beta where anyone in the U.S. can buy a pair, and there are rumors now that Google will even be announcing the launch of the Explorer program to international users come Google I/O. Does this mean that Google Glass 2.0 will be nearing a consumer ready status? If I had to guess I would say not this summer, but maybe by the time we reach the holiday season. That is more of a hope than anything, but it also isn’t completely out of the question.
With Google Glass apps and Glassware continuing to be launched and a possible international launch of the wearable tech, we’ll only see more and more Google Glass make their way into the hands of those who can truly help to make Glass a unique and awesome piece of tech to own. It doesn’t just stop with developers either, many small businesses and other establishments are adopting Google Glass too. We’re already seeing Glass being used in Universities as part of the curriculum, and it has been featured a handful of times being used in Hospitals to assist doctors and surgeons. It’s being adopted by Sports teams and even recently famous chef Jamie Oliver recorded his first recipe while wearing Google Glass, giving viewers a truly unique way to experience how to cook up a tasty looking summer salad. The point here is that Google Glass is expanding its reach. People from all walks of life are beginning to see the benefits of Glass and are already using it to enhance the things that they do on a day to day basis.
Yes, Google Glass has gotten its fair share of bad press, and it continues to catch flak even with the amazing things that people are able to do with it. Google Glass is more openly accepted than some might think though. This is one of the reasons why it feels like it might be reaching a consumer release though. That isn’t to say we think that the Google Glass official launch is right around the corner, just that it might only be six months away. It seems like a long time for a beta program but slightly less so when you factor in all the testing it has gone through to get to this point. Not to mention they still have to test it in other locations internationally. We’ll definitely be hearing more about Google Glass in a couple weeks at Google I/O, what exactly that is remains to be seen. Maybe Google will surprise us and announce a consumer ready launch date. What do you think? Any Glass Explorers out there that care to give their input?