Android Leads OS World Domination with 1 Billion Active Monthly Users

If you’ve been living under a rock, then let us remind you that the most awaited event in all of techdom is going on right now. We are definitely talking about Google’s annual developer conference – Google I/O 2014. The Key Note address kicked off some time ago, with Head of Android and Chrome, Sundar Pichai taking the stand to divulge some very interesting numbers. This time last year, Google had announced that active Android users over a 30 day period touched a dramatic 500 million. This method of checking for Android’s popularity is a deviation from the previous number-of-monthly activations method. This time, as per Pichai’s announcement, Google’s Android mobile OS platform sees 1 billion active users over a 30 period – which is basically in just the last 30 days.

Android is the undeniable leader in terms of sheer user numbers, and is one of Google’s most well-known products. Understandably, Android was the first thing that Sundar Pichai spoke about when he took to the stage in San Francisco. Apart from the amazing active user numbers, Google also boasted that Android users sent over 20 billion text messages and snapped up a whopping 93 million selfies. The fitness conscious of Android users also collectively tracked around 1.5 trillion steps. Pichai also went on to inform users that Android has been performing well on the tablet segment, with Android tablets accounting for 62% of world market share, which is up from 46% last year. In terms of app installs, Google Play store has shown tremendous growth with app installs increasing by 236% year on year. Android’s dominance of the mobile OS pie is very well established, however such numbers do lend credence to this fact.

This is not the only good news trickling in from Google I/O 2014. We are present at I/O and will be keeping you posted an all the great and amazing things happening there. As of now, the keynote address is streaming live and you may join in through this link. Being the mega-event, Google I/O deserves its own tracking – check out this link for all news and information coming our way.