Android L's Stock Recovery Now Features "Reboot To Bootloader" And other New Commands

One part of our phone that most of us probably haven’t seen for a while, is the stock recovery. Usually we have a custom recovery on our devices, if we use it at all. The reason being is that the stock recovery just didn’t do it for most of us flashaholics. The picture above was taken by Alexei Watson who states that the new stock recovery in Android L has a few new features. You can now Reboot to Bootloader, and Power down. Previously you were unable to do this.

We’re finding more and more Android L features right now, as the Developer Preview is now out and available to those with the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7. Android L brought a ton of new features to Android and is getting a full release in the fall – likely alongside a couple of new Nexus devices, as we’ve already seen the HTC Nexus 9 leak out. Android L got a complete design overhaul, as well as bringing about 5,000 new API’s to the operating system. Not to mention the fact that Android Wear, Android Auto and Android TV are all tied into the Android L release, which doesn’t even have a proper name or number yet. That should be revealed in the fall as well though.

If you have a Nexus 5 or a Nexus 7, you can also flash the developer preview. It’s actually quite simple to do. Just download the factory image and flash it like you were returning to stock. Not much else to do there. There are also s0me flashable zips on XDA that will work and you can do that instead of flashing the stock image. Which may be a bit easier for some people. How many of you are as excited for Android L as I am? Let us know in the comments down below.