Chili's Installing Tabletop Android Tablets as their Menus

Chili’s is moving into the 21st century now, by installing tabletop Android tablets in a number of their locations. These tablets will be used to show off their menu. So instead of using that same old paper menu that’s been used since the beginning of time, Chili’s will be using Android tablets which is much simpler for many reasons. The biggest one I can think of, is the ability to add, remove or change items on the menu without reprinting all of the menus. Customers will be able to use these tablets to see what’s on the menu, place an order, play some games and even pay their bill. Almost removes the need for a waiter or server, right?

These are not the Google Nexus 7 tablets, although that’d be nice to have in 823 Chili’s locations. But these are made by Ziosk. Which isn’t going to be competing with Google’s Nexus 7, but instead will help Google get into the commercial world and into more areas. This seems like a pretty awesome idea, but the only thing I’d be worried about is the condition of the touchscreen after several people ahead of you have placed their own order. Hopefully these deal with fingerprints and grease from fingers pretty good, or they could turn out to be pretty nasty, pretty quickly.

It’s always great to see more Android tablets in more places, especially restaurants. And if this works out well, I could see more restaurant chains adding these to their locations as well. It should cut down the cost as your server would really only need to bring your food and drinks to you instead of getting your order and bringing you your bill as well. We’ll have to go to a Chili’s and check these out for ourselves. Anyone care to join us? Let us know what you think about this move by Chili’s in the comments below.