While Sudoku can be a great past time, you might find yourself getting bored of the same formula over and over again. Sure there’s plenty of great Sudoku apps for Android you might be looking for something a little bit different but not too alien. If that’s the case then you’ve come to the right place, as we’re going to take a look at a few games that are clearly inspired by Sudoku, but take the formula in a different direction. Some of these are math based like Sudoku, and others just use a similar Sudoku look and feel to create something wholly new. Either way if you like Sudoku odds are you’ll enjoy any number of these top 5 Sudoku alternatives we’ve cooked up for you.
5.) Sudoku Monsters
Sudoku Monsters is a fairly simple switch out of numbers for little colored monsters. Clearly designed to introduce the art of Sudoku to a little one, Sudoku Monsters presents the familiar Sudoku formula in a more visually appealing way for those who don’t care much for math. Heck getting familiar with this formula might make moving to real Sudoku more exciting because it’s almost guaranteed to be more difficult.
4.) Threes!
Threes is a number adding game that actually doesn’t involve much math at all. The goal here is just to assemble tiles together in factors of three. That’s literally it. There’s no complicated mechanics here, nothing that’ll keep you thinking for hours straight, but you’ll likely be playing it for hours straight. It’s a measly $1.99 on the Play Store and worth every penny, and while it logically doesn’t compare with Sudoku’s brain-busting moments the look and overall feel of the game will likely keep you in familiar territory while still keeping it fresh and new every time.
3.) 2048
2048 is visually similar to Threes, but has one seriously big difference: there’s an actual goal. The goal is in the name, as you match tiles up to add together numbers and eventually try to get to 2048. Once you hit the number you win. Simple as that, but since it involves some actual math you’ll be thinking a little more than in Threes, so that’s what ends up putting this above Threes since we’re trying to stick with some sort of brain building games here.
2.) Blendoku
Blendoku takes the sequencing aspect of Sudoku and pairs it with gradients of colors, meaning you’re laying down tiles that fade from one color to the next in the proper sequence. You’re scored by how many moves you make and obviously by the correct color sequence, and that’s the charm here. What’s initially a super easy puzzler quickly turns more difficult, as you struggle to figure out which hue is just a slightly lighter or darker version of the other without actually placing them on the board. Multiple color gradients appear quickly too and add to the mix, meaning you’re likely going to spend a couple of hours on this one just out of sheer interest in the color pallette. Obviously this one isn’t for the color blind or anyone who’s even remotely color blind since it relies heavily on being able to see accurate colors.
1.) Sudoku Quest
Sudoku Quest is sort of a dream come true in the alternate puzzler universe. Taking elements from the successful Puzzle Quest series and blending them with elements of Sudoku, this puzzler brings quests and missions to the world of Sudoku while simultaneously giving plenty of challenges and variations found in the traditional land of Sudoku. While there are plenty of complaints here about the game not adhering to the rules of Sudoku all the time, this isn’t really trying to replace a “real” Sudoku game, rather give you an exciting experience that stems from the excellence of a good Sudoku puzzle and the journey provided by a role-playing game.