Google Voice Gets An Update Today With Clearer Distinction On International Calling

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. Yes, updates to some of Google’s apps. Like clockwork every week Google usually sends out updates to the Play Store for some of or most of their applications, and today we’re seeing an update hit for Google Voice. While the first reaction for this is to get extremely excited, you’d be wise to hold onto that excitement for now if you don’t want to be let down. From what we’ve been seeing the update doesn’t add much new stuff(like the hangouts integration we’ve all be hoping for), and it’s likely that it’s mainly about some bug fixes. However there is one new feature at least that is worth mentioning, as it could come in handy for plenty of users.

International calling within Google Voice seems to be getting some attention with this update as Google has now made it more apparent when you’re making an international call using the application. Basically, you get notified now when making an international call through the Google Voice app on Android and will also be met with what the Google Voice international per minute rate charge is before the call is actually placed. This way you’re more informed about everything that’s happening with the international calls you’re making. Another good thing about this besides just generally being in the know about international calls, is that you’ll know if the call is being routed through Google Voice or through your carrier, and chances are that your carrier will charge you more for an international call than Google Voice would.

After you initiate the update to Google Voice or after you install it for the first time since this update today, you’ll be met with a pop up notification with an embedded link that takes you to a support page for Google Voice on the international calls topic. The support page just gives you the run down on whether or not you’re making international calls correctly. Should you be a little confused on the matter, this new pop up notification will probably be a welcome addition even if it only pops up just the once. Is anyone using Google Voice to make international calls?