HTC Gallery Updates to bring Adjustable UFocus Blur to the HTC One M8

When HTC launched the One M8 earlier this year, they also pushed a lot of the apps on the device into the Play store so that we could get updates without an entirely new OTA that has to go through carrier approval. One of those apps were the HTC Gallery, which got updated today. It got a pretty big new feature as well, which is adjustable UFocus blur. Many of you may be familiar with the UFocus Blur from the M8 already, but now it’s even more adjustable, which is great to see. Now you can tap anywhere on the picture and it’ll focus on that point and blur the rest of the background. Obviously the top of the scale is the most blur, and the bottom would give you the least amount of blur. This is a feature that we’ve had in DSLRs and some point-and-shoot cameras fora  while (a feature I absolutely love) while smartphones are now getting this feature. It all started with the Sony Xperia Z1/Z1s late last year, and now the HTC One M8, Samsung Galaxy S5, LG G Pro 2, and LG G3 have it. I’m sure every other smartphone coming out this year will as well.

In addition to the UFocus goodies, if you have a Sense 6.0 device, you’ll be able to use the Pan 360 aka Photospheres, or Dimension plus in the app. HTC also lists some improvements in the changelog on the Play Store, but that’s about it. The update is available now in the Play Store, and you can find the link below if you’re interested. It should be available for any device running Sense 6 and above, however for me it only shows compatible with the HTC One M8. How many of you are interested in the new version of the HTC Gallery? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below.

Google Play:HTC Gallery