On Wednesday, we had two events in Seattle. There was the Amazon event in the morning, then the T-Mobile event in the evening. On Tuesday, a rumor had popped up saying that AT&T would be selling the Amazon Fire Phone exclusively, of course that didn’t sit well with T-Mobile’s CEO, John Legere as he fired off a ton of tweets saying how dumb exclusives are, etc. Which I have to agree. Exclusives are not the road to a successful smartphone. Well, one of Legere’s favorite journalists, Roger Cheng from CNET sat down with Mr Legere just before the Uncarrier 5/6 event on Wednesday to talk about some stuff. Roger asked Legere what he thought of Amazon’s presentation, in which he responded calling it a “boring show”. Then he asked Legere if he was worried about burning bridges with Amazon, which he replied in typical John Legere fashion saying “F*ck em”.
Although, Legere did have a bit more reasonable response afterwards for Amazon’s event. “I am disappointed a bit that a company like Amazon that has transformed the way I do business in purchasing things came out with such an archaic short-term model of an exclusive, subsidized arrangement.”
Legere also apologized for his language during his Uncarrier event on Wednesday, saying that he did step over the line. What made him apologize? Well when he was talking about AT&T and Verizon, and saying something to the effect of “they’ll rape you for every penny”, and I guess that didn’t sit well with many. But at least Legere was man enough to get up and apologize to everyone. Legere likes to be brutally honest, even when talking about T-Mobile, which is a good thing. We like CEO’s that are honest with us, although sometimes he can be too honest.
What did you guys think of Amazon’s smartphone? Let us know in the comments below.