Motorola is currently rolling out their Android 4.4.3 updates to the international Moto X, Moto G, and Moto E devices, which bring about the normal changes and tweaks that all devices are going to see with the update to this latest version of Kit Kat. One thing specific to the international devices from Motorola though is a fix for, or rather a change to the carrier ID tag that would sit in the status bar at all times prior to this update. As Android Police was reporting yesterday users of those three devices were experiencing this issue, which was pretty much hindering the usefulness of notifications because the carrier ID was taking up almost all of the room on the status bar, with little to no space left for incoming notifications.
The good news is that there is a fix coming in this update to Android 4.4.3 that will give users the option to have the carrier ID in the status tray or not. If the Carrier ID is turned off, users will still reportedly be able to view it by dragging down on the status tray to review the entire panel, bu then it disappears again when the panel is swiped back up into hidden view. Having my own status tray free of a carrier ID for the last three devices(which includes my current device)I can attest to how much more free space it feels like you get without it peering out at you every waking moment. It really is a matter of preference though which is why Motorola made it an option to turn on or off instead of simply doing away with it.
If you are using one of the three international devices listed above, once your Android 4.4.3 update is finished the toggle to turn off the carrier ID tag will be sitting peacefully within the network settings menu awaiting your attention. If you like the carrier ID tag and want it to stay you can simply ignore its toggle location and continue about your day. In any case it seems Motorola is quick to listen to its users, something they have been really good about the last year or two. Hopefully this type of mentality continues.