We’re expecting Samsung to announce the Galaxy Note 4 this fall at IFA in Berlin, as they’ve done with the Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 2, and Galaxy Note 3 in the last three years. But as always, it’s never to early to see leaks, and today Sammobile posted some info about the Galaxy Note 4 that is pretty interesting. They also posted some info about the G906 which is thought to be the Galaxy S5 Prime or the Galaxy F. The G906 is said to be sporting an Exynos 5433 now instead of the 5430. It’s still unclear what the difference is between the two chips. Sammobile also states that the G906 isn’t a successor to the Galaxy S5 in the traditional sense. Which goes along with what Evleaks stated a few weeks ago where the Galaxy F is replacing the Galaxy S line of smartphones. They also mention that the most current variation of the G906 features a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 along with a FHD display, so no 2k just yet.
Now the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be the N910, and will be coming out in two hardware variants as expected. China, Japan, Korea and North American markets will be getting the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 models. For the US, they breakdown as trltespr for Sprint, trlteatt for AT&T, trltetmo for T-mobile, trltevzw for Verizon and trlteusc for US Cellular. Other regions will get the Exynos 5433 SoC on board. Which has been typical of Samsung lately. Since they don’t get LTE working on their chips before they start using them in devices. You’d think they’d fix that seeing as they aren’t even selling the Exynos version of the Galaxy Note 4 in their home country.
Other specs include a 16-megapixel OIS camera on the back and the sensor is made by Sony, as well as a Quad HD AMOLED display, however Sammobile was unable to tell us how big the display is. And that’s about all we know so far on the specs of the Galaxy Note 4. But it’s looking like it’s what we expected the Galaxy S5 to be earlier this year, with the QHD display and Snapdragon 805.