Samsung's Galaxy S5 Strikes A Fashionable Pose In Vogue Magazines June Issue

Fashion is all about accessorizing, and recently Samsung has taken on a new more fashionable approach to smartphone development. They stated this during the official unveiling of their new Galaxy S5 and Gear wearables a few months back, and if word straight from the company themselves wasn’t enough to make that sink in, perhaps this new spread inside of popular fashion magazine Vogue will do the trick. It’s not like Samsung will have any trouble at all selling their devices. They always advertise damn near everywhere, so much so that consumers dream about the devices in their sleep. Tired? time to go to bed. Sweet dreams all the way from Seoul. This message brought to you by JK Shin.

Even though they’ll sell millions upon millions of smartphones and wearables to a vast amount of consumers it seems that Samsung is really sticking to their guns with this fashion business. They want people to know that the Galaxy S5 is just as fashionable as that new set of Jimmy Choo heels,(although it’s actually a far cry off from that in reality)and they’re even willing to go so far as to pay attractive models to pose with the phone in various snapshots, all dolled up in this years latest fashion trends. Colors that pop and catch the eye is another thing Samsung was trying to achieve with their newest flagship, and pleasing hues don’t stop with the S5 as they spread to the this years newest wearables offerings from the South Korean electronics giant. The Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and Gear Fit all find their way into the photos as well which does nothing if not grant them even more exposure.

Samsung already has the electronic geeks in the bag, and those that are long time Sammy loyalists are sure to at least give these newest devices a look, even if they don’t buy right away. It’s obvious that the audience that they are trying to appeal to here is those who strike themselves as openly fashion forward and aren’t afraid to let the world know it. What better way to grab the attention of fashionistas everywhere by snagging a choice spot smack in the middle of one of the hottest fashion mags around. Hats off to Samsung and their marketing team. They know their audience, they know who their trying to speak to, and they know how to say just the right thing all without a word leaving their lips. Ckeck out the full spread of images from the Vogue issue below.