Sony Xperia Z3 Coming with New Design, Thinner Bezels Says Insider

Just yesterday, Sony released a teaser for what they are calling “the next big thing”, obviously taking a stab at Samsung’s marketing this time around. Almost all of us figured it was the new Xperia Z Ultra. The Xperia Z Ultra was that massive 6.44-inch device that Sony put out last year and was even made into a Google Play Edition device. According to a Sony insider, DooMLoRD, it appears that the Sony Xperia Z Ultra 2 is not coming, but in fact it’s the Xperia Z3. Which seems kinda odd since the Xperia Z2 was just announced in February and is just now becoming available everywhere.

According to DooMLoRD it appears that the Xperia Z3 will have “Z3 rumor update: no S805 🙁 But new design, slim bezels & 7 mm thin Also No Z Ultra successor”. So it’s nice to see a new design finally, as Sony has been using the current design forever. But it is a bit sad to see no Snapdragon 805, which makes me wonder how well the Xperia Z3 will sell since the Xperia Z2 already has the Snapdragon 801. Unless they go crazy with battery life, screen resolution, and the camera, I doubt that many people would upgrade from the Z2 or even the Z1 which has about the same specs as the Z2 minus the Snapdragon 801 (Xperia Z1 has a Snapdragon 800 inside). 

So we’re looking at a new design for the Xperia Z3, also thinner bezels and only 7mm thin. Now that’s pretty damn thin. Hopefully they don’t skimp on the battery though. What I’m most interested in, is to see how much of an upgrade it’ll be over the Xperia Z2. At this point, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be much of a difference, since the Snapdragon 805 keeps getting delayed by Qualcomm. How many of you are interested in the Xperia Z3?