Description: Photo Cube Live Wallpaper is a live wallpaper for Androdi that allows you to customize a spinning cube with your own photos on either side of the cube. You can choose to change each side of the photo cube or just have the same image on all sides. With lots of settings to choose from, this is a cool app to get photos of your friends, loved ones or kids onto your homescreen. You can adjust the size of cube, the speed, inertia and more. Read on to see what we made of Photo Cube Live Wallpaper and how to get it working on your device.
How it Works: First of all, you’ll need to download Photo Cube Live Wallpaper from the Play Store. You won’t find an app icon in your app drawer, instead you just need to choose it from the list of other wallpapers on your device.
From there, you can adjust a number of different settings, like the size of the cube, the inertia and more.
Of course, one of the most important changes to make is choosing the photos for your own cube. You can choose to show the same photo on all sides, or assign a different photo to each side of the cube.
Once you’ve chosen the images for your cube, you can take a look at how it looks on your device.
Opinion: Photo Cube Live Wallpaper is a free app, and one that will offer parents a really cool way to have photos of their kids on their homescreens. Let’s face it, when your little ones are just getting started in life, your smartphone becomes overrun with photos of your little ones and you’re more than likely end up with a few favorites. With this, you can display all of your favorite photos on your homescreen in a fun way. For those without children, Photo Cube Live Wallpaper is something you should still take a look at, you can put whatever you photo you like on their and will definitely give your homescreen a personal feel.
- Speed (4/5) – The live wallpaper doesn’t slow your device down and you can control pretty much every aspect of the speed in the settings.
- Features (4/5) – A good offering for those with too many photos to choose from for that killer wallpaper, Photo Cube Live Wallpaper ticks a lot of the right boxes.
- Theme (4/5) – The backgrounds for the cube wallpaper that are included could be better, but the 3D effect is good and photos on the cube scale well.
- Overall (4/5) – Photo Cube Live Wallpaper is going to be perfect for parents and perhaps a teen audience overall, and will give Android users a fun way to get memories on their homescreen.
- Works on pretty much any recent smartphone, with little to no adverse effects.
- Fully customizable, not only can you change the photos but how the cube looks and acts.
- Great for parents with new kids or a new smartphone.
- Photo Cube Live Wallpaper is completely free to use, with no need to pay for anything.
- Menu system could do with some work as some of the items are a little hard to read.
- Higher-resolution backgrounds included with the app would help the overall look a but.
Conclusion: Photo Cube Live Wallpaper isn’t without its niggles, but it’s a decent app overall and does exactly what it says it does, without any nasty surprises. Great for parents, and those who place an importance on reliving memories, this will give users a way to get their favorite photos on their homescreens and it’s a good-looking app, too. The menu page could do with a little reworking, but the overall experience is good and the app is free after all.