Sponsored App Review: Transparent Clock & Weather

Description: As you’ve probably already guessed from the title, Transparent Clock & Weather is an Android app that offers complete weather conditions such as humidity, when it’s going to rain, temperature and more. It’s localized in different languages for use all over the world and is best used as a time and weather widget for your homescreen, with lots of widget sizes ranging from smaller 4×1 sizes all the way up to 5×2 that look good on tablets.. With the ability to customize the look and feel of the widget by changing the font, choosing from one of 8 icon themes, a variety of widget skins and even adjusting the font shadows, Transparent Clock & Weather is a great option for those looking for another homescreen widget as well as a reliable weather application.

How it Works: To get this widget and app setup, you’ll first need to download Transparent Clock & Weather from the Play Store and then you can set up your location. It found mine automatically, and it did this for whenever I moved, too as it always gets your location. However, if you’d rather input your own location you can do.

Once you have your location setup, you can take a look at the weather near you.

You can add as many locations as you want though, which is great for travelers too, as the local time is displayed along with the weather.


Adding widgets to your homescreen is as simple as any other widget and as you can see there are good selection of sizes on offer. Included in Transparent Clock & Weather are 3×1, 4×1, 4×2, 4×4 and even 5×2, giving you a lot of choices.

Different widget sizes will look different on your homescreen, so go ahead and try the different looks and sizes out to get a feel for your favorite.

You can choose what to display on your widget and the look of it from the settings menu. There are advanced options to choose from, like different icon themes for the weather, as well as the ability to change the shadow on the fonts. You can also set up which apps to launch when you touch the widget.

When you have chosen what you want on your widget, you just simply put it where you want as you would with any other widget.

Opinion: While the widgets here might be a little basic, there’s no denying that Transparent Clock & Weather does what it sets out to do and has all of the right boxes ticked for those looking to get the weather on their device. The ability to choose what information is listed on the widget is nice as well, and will be good for those watching how much storage they’re using and such. Some different fonts and a more original weather theme would be nice to see, but this does work well and users can change a whole lot when it comes to the look and feel of the widget, even tweaking the font shadows.


  • Speed (4/5) – There were no issues finding a location for the app or the overall speed of getting things setup.
  • Features (4/5) – While Transparent Clock & Weather does exactly what it sets out to do, the widgets could be a little basic but, the weather side of things has everything users could ask for.
  • Theme (4/5) – Some more fonts and widget skins would be nice, but there’s not much to complain about here and it does look good on high-resolution displays as well as tablets.
  • Overall (4/5) Despite some niggles, this is a decent weather app as well as a good clock widget, thanks to the decent handling of weather, the customization options and the fact that it’s available in a vast selection of languages.


  • Easy to get setup, Transparent Clock & Weather can be used by anyone – and devices running Android 1.6 even.
  • Good selection of widget sizes are on offer, including 5×2 widgets for tablets.
  • Weather side of things works well and has a lot of information on offer, and users can save multiple locations.
  • Widget can display more than just the weather, like the time, battery percentage, storage amount and more.


  • Does feel a little basic compared to newer apps, but does work well.
  • More widget skins would be great.

Conclusion: Sometimes, there’s such a thing as too much and a lot of widgets out there can be guilty of just having too much going on at once. Thankfully, Transparent Clock and Weather is different and offers users a simple way to get the info they want on their clock screen. The weather side of the app has a lot going for it and users can see local time – good for when you’re on holiday or those just traveling – and multiple locations can be saved. Some more widget skins would be nice, but there are a lot of sizes to choose from as well as lots of customization options.