Sponsored Game Review: Carcassonne

Description: Board game lovers all over the world have been playing Carcassonne for years and now, a completely new version of the game finally makes it to Android. With a lot of versions on various platforms already available, does this one deliver the true spirit of the game? With different expansion packs and computer opponents (AIs) to play against, Carcassonne has the right sort of graphical flare you might expect from the popular board game. With expansion packs such as Traders and Builders, Inns and Cathedrals, The River II, and more there’s a lot of content on offer with this Android adaptation of the popular board game. With this version of the game having won numerous awards in the past few years, is it the Carcassonne that you’re looking for? Read on and see what we make of it.

How it Works: To start playing this Android adaptation of Carcassonne, you’ll need to first download it from the Play Store. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to setup your profile quickly.

Once you’ve set up your profile how you like it, you can start to choose which tiles you want to play with, you can choose to activate just one of the expansion packs or all of them.

If you’ve ever played Carcassonne in real life, you’ll be familiar with the game’s concept. If not, you can find more information about the game online and there’s a tutorial on hand as well. Essentially, the two players need to place tiles of land next to those already placed. When these tiles are placed, you can choose to set up a follower on this tile, which will come into play later on. These tiles claim your territory and you will be awarded points towards the end of the game or if you complete a street or castle and so on. When you first start off, things will be quiet, but you still need to think of where your next move is going to be.

As you progress through turn after turn, the game board will start to take shape.

The further you get into the game, the more likely you are to have to pay taxes or such on your land the board gets more and more populated. The more territory you have claimed by placing followers – known as “meeples” – the better off you will be as you progress.

In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen there’s a counter of how many tiles are left and you can take a look at exactly which ones are left.

You can play with up to 6 players as well, making it a great game for a group of friends.


Opinion: It’s clear that Carcassonne is an Android game that will appeal best to those that have played the board game in the past, but newcomers can definitely get into the game thanks to this Android version. It’s be nice to see that a fairly comprehensive tutorial mode is included here. As a board game fan, I enjoy playing board games with friends over some drinks, but getting true mobile versions is pretty difficult. Thankfully, Carcassonne is a great adaptation for Android and really distills the great experience that Carcassonne offers.


  • Speed (4/5) – I had no issue with Carcassonne on either my phone or my tablet and it worked great.
  • Features (5/5) – Bringing all of the same sort of features as the board game to a mobile platform isn’t easy, but with so much on offer to board game fans, Carcassonne manages this brilliantly.
  • Theme (5/5) – With good-looking graphics that look good on high-resolution devices and tablets, Carcassonne has a cool look and really looks the part.
  • Overall (5/5) – An excellent adaptation of a great board game, Carcassonne does for Android what few other games do for board games.


  • Lots of different content packs on offer that will please even the most avid Carcassonne player.
  • Great graphics look good on tablets as well as high-resolution smartphones.
  • Easy-to-use interface helps players get stuck in with little hassle.
  • A great game for board game lovers as well as casual gamers.


  • Might not be too much fun for those playing on their own.
  • A free version to try could help bring in new players.

Conclusion: After spending some quality time with Carcassonne on Android, it’s easy to see why it’s earned so many accolades over the years. It’s rare to find a mobile adaptation of a board game like this, even Scrabble is poorly represented on Android, a game produced by the big, bad EA. Carcassonne might seem a little pricey, but if you’re the type that prefers mind games and board type games, the price will be a good investment. Besides, it’s cheaper than buying the actual board game and you can still play with your friends. An excellent game that will please avid board game players and casual gamers alike, this is well worth your time.