On Wednesday, T-Mobile’s Uncarrier event saw quite a few announcements. In fact they threw Uncarrier 6 at us as well. Part of Uncarrier 5 saw Test Drive, where T-Mobile is allowing you to get an iPhone 5S for free for 7 days on their unlimited talk, text and data plan so you can check out their network. They partnered with Apple to make this happen – Apple is paying for the hardware – and I’m sure Samsung will jump in soon. It’s pretty neat deal, because the one thing I hear oh so often is that the coverage from T-Mobile sucks, yet the same people saying this haven’t used T-Mobile in a few years. I know for a fact that their coverage has gotten better in the past two years since I’ve joined magenta, after leaving Sprint.
T-Mobile’s CEO, John Legere, wrote a blog post earlier letting us know what a success T-Mobile’s Test Drive has been so far. While orders aren’t actually available yet – they’ll go live on Monday, June 23rd – users can pre-order their own iPhone 5S for Test Drive. And so far about 12,000 users have done so on T-Mobile’s website. So that’s 12,000 wireless customers that are wanting to cheat on their current carrier and do a #7NightStand with T-Mobile. Many have asked why is T-Mobile doing this, well it’s all about gaining more customers. That and Legere knows that they don’t have the best coverage, and he is working to change that. Coverage has changed a lot since he took over roughly two years ago and he wants people to check it out before signing onto the magenta brand. Which I think is a great idea.
As I always say, T-Mobile is probably your best bet for good, cheap phone service, as long as they have good service in your area. For me, their service is mediocre, but it is better than Sprint, Verizon and AT&T, so I don’t have much of a choice here. How many of you have signed up for the #7NightStand?