The TabletTail Is Octa's Newest Tablet Positioning System Now On Kickstarter

Octa is a company behind a previous kickstarter project called the MonkeyTail kit, a unique, and uniquely awesome stand to hold your tablet and prop it up just about anywhere. I can’t even begin to explain how awesome the MonkeyTail would be for gaming on the tablet, when using a bluetooth gamepad and being able to prop it up at precise eye level, and when laying down for added comfort. Octa also has another tablet stand called the WhaleTail, and recently they have started another Kickstarter campaign for their newest product called the TabletTail. The TabletTail is a universal tablet positioning system that basically allows you to prop up and position your tablet in just about any position imaginable.

The modular components that make up the TabletTail are what allow for such versatility, being able to stand it up in a number of ways and even wrap the tail around poles or arm chairs, or clamp it to the sides of tables, or really anything or anywhere you would want or need to use it. With the TabletTail users can stand, grip, wrap, and hang their tablets from just about anywhere thanks to the four new tablet accessory components. Everything is interchangeable so you can swap things to fit your situation and use the TabletTail in bed, on the couch, in the air, or anywhere. I know what you’re thinking, and yes I was thinking the same thing too. The TabletTail would be great for reading Dr. Seuss hands free to your kids or nieces and nephews.

The four new components that make up the TabletTail are The Spider, The Clamp, The Bridge, and The Wall Mount, and participating in the Kickstarter gives users the option of choosing different packages depending on the components one might want. Perhaps you have use for all but The Wall Mount, or maybe the whole system would be beneficial. The TabletTail components also work with previously released Octa products like that awesome MonkeyTail we talked about above, so if you already have your hands on one of those you’ll have even more options for positioning your tablet for some hands free usage. There is still plenty of time to get in on the Kickstarter as there’s 20 days left for the campaign, and the team at Octa has already reached $18,176 of their $20,000 goal, so it’s safe to say they should smash it without a problem. Check out the video below for more details, and hop to the Kickstarter page if you’re interested in pledging.