Vodafone and Rogers Announce International Roaming Deal
This past week, Vodafone and Canadian carrier Rogers entered into a roaming agreement. As we covered, the deal see Rogers joining Vodafone’s Partner Market scheme, which will help Vodafone further their international roaming reach and also give Rogers more of a presence in Europe and allow Rogers to give their customers better roaming rates in Europe. Vodafone has networks throughout Europe and well, Rogers is hardly affordable when heading outside the country.
Google Play Info Cards Rolling Out for All Countries with Play Movies
Google rolled out their informative Info Cards to all countries that have Google Play Movies this week. Info Cards are pretty much what you think they are, and offer brief information for actors and the storyline of films. It’s now available in all 69 countries that Play Movies is available, to see if movies are available in your country, take a look at Google’s list.
Ofcom Looking to Lower Mobile Termination Rates Even Further
Ofcom is looking to make mobile termination fees even cheaper, the fees that apply to networks connecting calls to each other, which also applies to landlines. Since 2011, these rates have fallen for 4p a minute to 0.8p a minute and Ofcom is looking to cut these to less than half a penny by 2017. This would in turn result in lower phone bills for end users like you and I. With roaming charges taking a big slash in the UK and now news that Ofcom is looking to cut rates down, it seems like mobile phone bills are getting cheaper and cheaper.
Indian Smartphone Market Grows 186% in Q1 of 2014
In India, the smartphone market has grown 186% in Q1 of 2014 and the smartphone is steadily taking over from the feature phone. Figures from the IDC show massive growth in Q1 of 2014, but modest year-over-year growth. Smartphones are still steadily being adopted by the Indian public and unsurprisingly, Samsung has the Lion’s share of the market. Still, with devices like the Moto G and Moto E offering superior experiences for less, we can see Motorola gaining significant ground over the next year or so.
LG G3 Snubbed by EE and Phones 4u in UK
LG’s latest and greatest, the G3, has been snubbed by UK retailers and the UK’s largest network. EE and Phones 4u have chosen not to stock the phone as they apparently feel that there’s already too much competition and that the G3 will be a tough sell to the public. We guess that EE and Phones 4u feel that devices like the HTC One (M8) and Samsung’s Galaxy S5 are good enough choices for the consumer.
EE Brings 4G LTE to 15 More Towns and Cities
EE already has the UK’s largest LTE network, but they’re not slowing down and have announced that 4G will be switched on in 15 more towns and cities across the UK including Gateshead, Birkenhead, East Grinstead, Leighton Buzzard, Wallasey, South Shields, Wakefield, Coatbridge, Lisburn, Bangor (NI), Newtownards, Omagh, Port Talbot and Neath. So, those looking for faster Internet speeds on your mobile in these towns and cities should give their local EE store a visit.