Developer Creates First Custom ROM for Android Wear Called Gohma

Following the announcement and shipment of the LG G Watch, it’s quite surprising to already find out that a developer has already put in the time and effort to build a custom ROM for Android Wear. More specifically, this custom ROM is available for the LG G Watch and was created by developer Jakeday. The developer is known for building custom ROMs that are slightly modified versions of the current OS. He pretty much provides people with a ROM that will improve performance on their device defeating any issues that may plague it at that very moment in time. With Android Wear being available to the world, Jakeday is right on time with a custom ROM to fix any issue that people will soon have once they receive their smartwatch in the mail.

The Custom ROM that jakeday has built is called Gohma. Now remember, the ROMs that this developer builds are just a slightly modified version of the software. There isn’t anything fancy about the ROM. Unlike other custom ROMs like CyanogenMod or Paranoid Android, you won’t be able to tell if the device has the custom build. So whats the point of using this ROM? Well the improvements of course. Once you have installed the ROM on your watch, you will be able to notice the incremental improvements made to the software. Improvements such as less lag while swiping between screens and a better battery life are some of what we know so far. Jakeday says there are “other surprises” when you install this ROM, so who knows what he really has in store for us other than minor improvements.

Unlike the installation process of an Android ROM, you do not need to flash the device into recovery. To install this ROM, all you need to do is open the ZIP file on your computer and follow the readme.txt. For step by step directions you can go here. It should be pretty easy to do on your own and probably wouldn’t take too long. If you are interested in downloading the custom ROM and installing it on your G Watch just follow this link. If you end up installing the custom ROM on your G Watch, tell us what it was like and if you found those “other surprises” that Jakeday claims that come with the build.