Flopsy Droid is Flappy Bird for Android Wear, Long Live Flappy Bird!


Did you think that the Internet was done with Flappy Bird? Much like an Internet meme that still brings you the LOLs, Flappy Bird’s simplistic, and still addictive gameplay just keeps on rising from the ashes, Attack of the Clones style. This latest reimagining of Flappy Bird is not only a nice thing to show people who think smartwatches are black magic, it’s also good example of just what can be done with Android Wear, as well as perhaps how easy Flappy Bird was to create.

This latest version of the game is dubbed Flopsy Droid and basically brings Flappy Bird to that Android Wear device on your watch. It runs nicely on my G Watch, and it’s actually a decent amount of fun when killing time. Am I going to be using this while in line at the store, just to see if people think I’m a wizard? Of course I am. Flopsy Bird was put together by Sebastian Mauer, the German Computer Science Student that is also responsible for the fairly comprehensive Bunting. He’s already brought Twitter to our wrists and now Flappy Bird, Mauer has proven how versatile Android Wear devices can be and while Flopsy Droid is a simple game, it works and it begs the question; what’s to come?

Will gaming become a thing on our watches? Well, it’s hard to say, especially considering using a 3DS or PS Vita is public will get you some funny looks, but we’re sure developers out there have some interesting ideas when it comes to Android Wear and their existing titles. For instance, I can’t have been the only person to think how good a G Watch or Moto 360 would be as a second screen when haunting your neighborhood playing Ingress. Sony’s SmartWatch 2 had a fairly fun version of snake onboard, which I thoroughly enjoyed every now and then and while Flopsy Droid is a simple example of what Wear can do, I’m sure my girlfriend’s little sister is going to love the idea of “that flappy game” on her wrist.