Good news for those who were eager to find out all there is to know about the Android L preview. Google has just dropped the source code for the Android L preview into AOSP, for not just the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 2013, but also the Nexus 4, and the Nexus 10 along with 2012 variants of the Nexus 7 too. Since last week owners of the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 have been able to download and install the Android L preview and mess around with it in its current state. While the release of this source code isn’t in the form of a loadable image, it does provide anyone who cares to know with the opportunity to give it a peek and see what lies within.
If you’re eager to look around and see what all of the source code entails, feel free to hit the download links and start to dig through the available files. Android L should be officially released for devices later this year in the fall, at least that’s the suspected timeframe. You can hit the links below to jump to the appropriate source code for your device of choice. The list appears to potentially still be populating with all the code to make it complete, and we should begin to see developers work with it and bring us some nifty stuff. Are you excited about Android L yet?
Nexus 5-Android L Preview Source Code
Nexus 7 2013 WiFi- Android L Preview Source Code
Nexus 7 2013 LTE–Android L Preview Source Code
Nexus 7 2012 WiFi–Android L Preview Source Code
Nexus 7 2012 LTE–Android L Preview Source Code
Nexus 4–Android L Preview Source Code
Nexus 10–Android L Preview Source Code