Motorola Soak Test for Maxx, Ultra, and Mini?


Soak tests are great for making sure that a software update works or not, and Motorola loves utilizing this tool to get their users the software that they have ready both for testing and release.  And the best part is that the soak test begins with an invitation system, asking a user if they would like to be part of the test, because it may be very much a test-only kind of update, or it may be a closer-to-completion one.  Well, owners of the Droid Maxx, Ultra, and Mini should be gearing up for another such test, since invitations went out over this last weekend.  What is it though?

Well, that’s what we don’t know.  At all.  Honestly, as of now, we have no clue what the test is, based solely upon the test invites and provided information.  But from the information that Motorola gave us after the Android 4.4.4 update came out for Nexus devices, it might be just that.  Motorola said, at the time of Android 4.4.4’s release, that their Droid devices would be seeing the update in the next three to five weeks, and it’s been three weeks thus far.  So what is important about the Android 4.4.4 update?

Security.  Again.  More of it.  And that doesn’t sound that exciting.  But does getting information stolen from your device?  No.  And was that a slight exaggeration? Probably was, but really, version over 4.4.2 have been bug fixing and security updates for everything that’s not a Nexus device.  And there’s always the obligatory improvement in battery performance, but again that applies specifically to the Nexus devices (Nexus 5 in particular, since it was the reason for the 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 updates, basically).

To recap the situation: the Motorola Droid Maxx, Ultra, and Mini are getting invitations to participate in a a soak test that may or may not happen soon, and that test may or may not be the previously promised update from Android 4.4.2 to Android 4.4.4.  If it’s not, nobody knows what it is.  If it is, the update’s test should begin in the next week or two, and the rest of you guys with one of the devices should see the update within the next four weeks.  Keep an eye out for that invitation and test, and be sure to speak up if you see anything about what the test actually is and is for.