New Verizon Survey Asks Important Questions About Bloatware

Verizon has been sending out surveys to their customers recently that revolve around bloatware. Thanks to Droid Life we now have a guide to how these questions could and SHOULD be answered if you receive this survey. Sometime during the last week, a reader of Droid Life shared a survey that was received that asked very important questions in regards to bloatware on his LG G2. Bloatware is any app that is pre-installed on your device, most of the time this comes in the form of unwanted apps. For example, you get your new LG phone from almost any carrier, but for the sake of this survey-Verizon. Bloatware can also be pre-installed by OEMs and this happens on almost every device but for the sake of this survey-LG.

The apps that come pre-installed are meant to be there to enhance the user experience by the standards of whoever added them to the device-either the carrier or the manufacturer. If the app isn’t there to enhance the user experience, it’s more than likely there because the company who added it to the device is getting paid to add them. Essentially this is a form of advertising, that you have no choice but to deal with, no pop-up blockers here. One of the reasons these apps have been called bloatware, is due to the fact that they are not essential to the overall performance of the device. Instead, they just take up space and are, for the most part, hard to delete. The average user of any Android device may not know how to disable them, and if they do, most likely find the process to be too much of a hassle. While there are workarounds, and ways to hide the apps from your app drawer, they’re still on your device, and carriers have even made some of these apps even harder to hide.

Since these apps are just taking up space that could be used for things users actually want, bloatware has been deemed “evil” by Droid Life, and we think many of you agree. Which is why, if you get this survey, you should take the opportunity to tell Verizon exactly how you feel, as an Android user, a Verizon customer, and as a person who is just fed up with bloatware. So below is a gallery, that shows the question of the survey that are the most important out of all 20 questions.