Pyrus Ignites Android Wear Collaboration and Project Completion

People with Android devices are often found either completely detached from the device, leaving on tables and desks while going about a day, while others live with it slightly glued to their hand(s).  And with Android Wear, you could leave it in your pocket most of the time too.  But with those two scenarios, users are still likely to miss a notification or task that they need to do or get/have done.

What do you need to get done today, friend with a Wear on your wrist?  Buy some milk?  Get some assignment done with a group at work?  Or maybe put together a special night for your significant other?  Need to remember them?  Well, the new and (self-declared, admittedly) ‘first productivity’ app for Android Wear called Pyrus is ready to help you and up to (sit down for the next part) 7,000 people at the same time to get anything done.  The best part?  The app, the 12-person compatibility, Android Wear connectivity, as well as 100 GB of collective storage for saving and sending files and paperwork (or whatever you need to handle) is free.  Sadly, to upgrade to having 15 people in your group of ‘getting stuff done-ers’ will cost you $50 per month.  Ouch (depending on the scale of the group benefitting from Pyrus).

But if you just need to make a project work between friends, and nobody has the ability to either mind the notification on their phone or the memory to do it without digital aid, but you happen to each have an Android Wear, you can access the project collaboration features, such as approving a change, or simply replying to a message sent through the app to the group, or just you.

Pyrus may be the ‘first productivity’ app for Wear, but it is definitely the first large-scale-capable example of collaboration and wrist-basing that collaboration we’ve seen to date.  What that means is that the Wear may become and evolve into an essential tool for the mobile collaborator that many business folk nowadays are becoming.  Pyrus is definitely worth a try, since it is free you know, so go give it a download and try.  Set up a meeting or hangout with friend, or have a reunion with school mates during the remainder of the summer.  Either way, try this one for sure.