Samsung Apps Gets Updated to Galaxy Apps

We had previously heard that Samsung would be updating their app store from Samsung Apps to Galaxy Apps, and well now it’s official. The app was updated this morning and as noted by Sammy Hub, it appears that the full name is “Samsung GALAXY Apps” yes “Galaxy” is in full caps now. The app doesn’t really follow the Android design guidelines, although it does have the hamburger menu from Holo, but then again how many OEM apps actually do? Most of them follow their device overlay design. Otherwise, there’s not else that has changed with the Samsung App Store as far as we can see. Now I don’t have a Samsung device here so I can’t really check to see what else has changed in this update, but we’re being told that’s all that is new right now.

Earlier this year, we had heard that Google told Samsung to tone it down a bit since they were basically recreating a lot of Google’s services. Including their music and video hubs, their app store and even S voice. What was really surprising was at the Samsung Galaxy Tab S event they announced they are giving out all this free content and that it’s on the Play store and not in their own app stores and such. Which was pretty crazy, and surprising to me. To see them openly promoting Google Play, when in the past they barely even mentioned them. So it looks like tides are changing, and now the Galaxy Apps probably won’t be on Tizen since “Galaxy” is their Android brand.

How many of you with Samsung devices actually use the Samsung App store, other than for downloading apps for the Galaxy Gear, Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and Gear Fit? Or do you just use the Google Play Store? Let us know in the comments down below.