Last month at Google I/O, Google announced Android L. Which is currently available as a developer preview and will be launching this fall alongside the next Nexus (or Nexi? since there are rumors of two Nexus devices). One of the features that most of us weren’t too excited about was the enterprise features. Many of you know that Samsung has been working on their own enterprise sweet of features and security, called Knox. Well Google is now working with Samsung on Knox and bringing it to every Android device out there. Why? Well it’s the biggest reason why companies are using other platforms for their employees work phones. It’s a big reason why Blackberry still has a small userbase.
Today, Samsung and Google provided a bit more details on the enterprise features in Android L. Which you can check out now if you have the developer preview installed on your Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 2013. The most plain and simple way to put this is they are using the profiles already made in Android (since Android 4.2) and making it more secure. Also allowing IT admins to have central access to those profiles. So that way the data that’s on your work profile will be secure and can’t be hacked into. Which is the main idea here. The new tools also allow IT admins to “Enable or disable other apps, and set restrictions on them. Configure intents to be forwarded between the primary account and the managed profile. Wipe all the data associated with the managed profile.” Also Google states that there can only be one managed account on a device at a time. Which makes sense. Why would you need two work profiles on your phone?
All this and more will be available in Android L when it makes its way to our devices this fall alongside the Nexus 6 and 8/9. There’s lots of goodies in this release, which is why Google says it’s their biggest release yet. And it definitely shows.