Description: Trending Trivia is a new kind of quiz game for Android, one that uses data from the last 10 years’ worth of search results to test your knowledge of pop culture. Questions like who has trended more in results, Justin Bieber or Barack Obama are included in Trending Trivia and the whole game is built around real data that’s been collected over the years. There are lots of different categories included in Trending Trivia and the questions are simple, yet the answers will surprise you as they’re built off of real data and they get fairly difficult the more you play. With regional questions included as well, Trending Trivia has a lot to offer those in to their quiz games.
How it Works: First of all, you’ll need to download Trending Trivia from the Play Store, then you’re ready to go.
There’s a walkthrough on how the game works when you first start playing.
To get going with the questions, all you need to do is choose a category or a mix of all of them.
All you need to do is answer A or B and you’ll be given the answer with a little bit of information to go along along with it.
A lot of the questions will appeal to younger audiences, like these one about games consoles.
In later questions, you’ll be asked to choose from four different answers, which makes things more challenging and further tests your knowledge.
As well as questions with four answers, there are regional questions which test your knowledge of the world on the whole.
Opinion: I’ve always had more going on in the brains department and so quiz games have always been a lot of fun for me, Trending Trivia is a lot of fun and while the questions are a little basic, with just two answers available for each question. Still, using actual search data is a nice new approach and a lot of the questions will appeal to everyone, with different categories for all sorts of tastes. A simple app that works well, Trending Trivia is a laid back quiz game that holds some interesting surprises for some questions. When you get into regional questions and those that require a choice from four answers or so the game gets a lot more interesting and will test your knowledge of more than just pop culture.
- Speed (4/5) – Trending Trivia runs just fine and I never came across any issues with how quick the game ran.
- Features (4/5) – It might be just another quiz game, but Trending Trivia’s approach to data and trends is fresh enough for it to be appealing to a younger audience.
- Theme (4/5) – This isn’t the best looking quiz game out there, some interactive data graphs or something would be nice.
- Overall (4/5) – As trivia games go, it’s nice to see something a little different in Trending Trivia and those interested in what’s “in” right now will really like Trending Trivia.
- Starts off easy but gets gradually more and more difficult.
- Uses real data to prove an answer with interesting insights for a lot of the answers.
- Good variety of categories to suit different tastes.
- Great for younger players or those not interested in in-depth questions.
- Could do with some more visual flare in the menus and questions.
- Takes a little while to get to the more challenging answers.
Conclusion: Trending Trivia isn’t the most exciting quiz game available for Android, but it’s certainly got something going for it. Using trending search data as the answers for its questions, it’s fresh enough and different enough to give players a new experience. Younger audiences will particularly like the pop culture questions and as the facts are presented to you after the answer, it’s interesting to see what the answer holds. A great, fresh take on simple trivia, Trending Trivia is well worth a look.