This weeks homescreen has a wonderful design. As always we take our homescreen picks from, and this weeks pick is called Staked(I’m assuming it’s pronounced “stacked”). As you can see this homescreen takes on a sort of cards look where you can see different widgets and functions on each card, with all kinds of other useful details like the calendar widget for the date in the top left portion of the screen, and the battery meter in the top right. It also appears that the information in those widgets switches depending on what homescreen card you’re on. If you’re on the card that has the music player for example, you’ll notice that the yellow card has the pause/play controls on it along with the progress bar of the song, and the song/album information has replaced the battery percentage information in the top right, and where the calendar information used to be, it looks like the album art is displayed there. It is unclear whether theses are all separate homescreens with each one having a focus on a specific yellow card out of the stack, or if it is all one homescreen and things change when you swipe through the cards. Either way, the homescreen looks awesome.
If you like the homescreen be sure to login to your mycolorscreen account and then hit the love button, and make sure to also “zoom” the images and comment on the homescreen comments thread. Staked was created by mycolorscreen member aast_designs, and you can grab the necessary files to complete this homescreen setup by hitting the link either above or by clicking the source link below. As of now the files have not yet been uploaded, but the creator does state that they used apps such as Zooper Pro, popup widgets and media utilities to get everything setup, so if you want to get a jump start for when the creator does have the files uploaded you can have these apps installed that way you’re ready to go. They also mention that it will be a theme applicable within themer once everything is done. It shouldn’t be too long before the files get uploaded which should also come with instructions on how to set everything up.