Xiaomi Mi Band Wearable Potentially Seen In The Wild

Xiaomi has made a name for itself by bringing consumers medium to somewhat high end smartphones with decent specs for a low cost, but one area where they haven’t really touched base on just yet is with wearables. That may soon change though as we reported just about a week ago that Xiaomi had plans to bring a wearable to the market that would cost a mere $32, which is bargain price to say the least when you compare it to the cost of most other wearables out there currently. The Mi Band, as it’s too be called may not be available for consumers just yet but it seems to be ready to pose for the camera, as last week when we first brought up the existence of the device, an image accompanied the story that was of Xiaomi’s CEO and if you look closely, you’ll notice what looks like the Mi Band on his wrist.

As of today, it seems the Miband is ready for another pose, and this time it’s more of a close up. That is of course considering this is the fabled Xiaomi wearable in the first place. The image looks like it may have been taken from a top down shot by someone who noticed the smartband looking device worn by someone else and decided to take a couple pictures, made up of a black band covering the same silver piece we can see in the photo of Lei Jun. Rumors are that the wearable device will release sometime this month although no one at Xiaomi has said anything about hard dates or actual dollar amounts.

This will be another wearable running on an OS that is designed and built presumably all by Xiamoi itself, and not Android Wear. That’s not something too hard to believe as Xiamoi is the company responsible for the fairly popular Miui custom ROM that runs on every single one of Xiaomi’s own smartphones out of the box as well as other supported devices from other OEMs. Xiaomi is apparently holding an event later this month on July 22nd, and rumors state a possible launch of the Mi Band the same day, with event attendees potentially getting a free Mi Band much like those who attended Google I/O this year were given Android Wear based smartwatches. July 22nd is just around the corner so we should know more soon about the Mi Band and when it will be available and how much it will cost officially.