People that have rooted an android device have heard’ install a custom recovery and download Xposed Framework’ more than once from one person. And that’s because the Xposed Framework is genius and superbly useful. It allows users to plug into multiple parts of a device’s system and control and manipulate them in different ways.
Xposed is, as with many great things, built and maintained by a regular guy with copious amounts of dedication and countless hours of work put into the project. XDA Recognized Senior Developer rovo89 is the mind behind the beloved Xposed Framework, and he, in an interview with XDA, spoke about how Xposed will work now that ART (Android RunTime) will be imposed from Android L (or whatever the final name is that starts with L) onwards.
Rovo89 spoke of how since Google I/O finished, even before it finished, with the reveal of Android L’s developer preview and its next-day availability, people were rushing to their favorite tech hidey-holes, contacting developers asking and pestering about the L preview and when their apps, root and not, would be compatible and usable on the new teasing of software.
And as always, the developers had to play nice with those bothering them once the preview came out and everyone put it on their phone and tablet, since the Nexus 5 and 7 were the two devices with it available. Rovo89 commented on how since the preview came out, people have brought up, directly and indirectly, their desire for an ART-compatible version for them and their fellow eager beavers. But Rovo89 told XDA that he has been working with and on ART working with Xposed since December, but hasn’t said anything or released anything because it is very much a half-baked cake that can work sometimes and not others, and that’s due to ART.
Art is complex, and is a nightmare for the developer who expects to be able to tinker with and allow tinkering with the system files. There are a lot of conditionals that need to be accounted for and managed and dealt with, and Kit Kat is extra problematic. Kit Kat can run on either Dalvik or ART, and people expect Xposed to be able to work on either because the Kit Kat (Android 4.4) OS is over a half year old, which should have been ample time to get something working for the naggers.
What is there to sum up from everything Rovo89 told XDA, so you don’t have to go looking unless you value developer-direct readings? You need to know that ART is why an ART-compatible version of Xposed is taking so long. And you want an ETA (estimated time of arrival) for that version? Make one up for now, since Rovo89 won’t give one until he feels there is one close enough for a stable(r) build of Xposed. Until the release of the new ART-ready Xposed and Android L—- sit happy on Dalvik, because it’s coming.