Whatever your thoughts and opinions are on the T-Mobile/Sprint merger that is now known to no longer be, there were a large amount of people who were both for and against it. As a current T-mobile customer, I was trying to keep an open mind about the whole situation and hold off any judgement that sounded like the typical “this is a terrible idea” response as it could have ended up for the better for both sets of customers. After months of dancing around with the regulators and never even having presented their plan to the FCC though, it had been recently announced that the T-Mobile/Sprint merger is no more. I can hear the legions of T-mobile customers rejoicing, and I just might be inclined to take their side, although a Sprint merger wouldn’t have been the end of the world, especially if John Legere took over at the helm.
That is all irrelevant now though since the merger will never take place, although we may still have to wait and see what happens with Iliad, the French telecom company who had been showing interest in purchasing the controlling stake in T-mobile for the past week or two, even having gone so far as to place an official bid for T-mobile. Big Magenta is probably far better off staying away from any proposed mergers, and even more so from a company who’s own total net worth is less than what they had placed for a bid. T-Mobile has been making major changes in the industry, not just its own company, and it has been paying off for them. They are continuing to steadily climb the ladder and closing the gap between the three other major carriers, and there have even been predictions that T-mobile could surpass Sprint as the third largest U.S. carrier sometime by the end of this year. Just in 2014 alone, T-Mobile has added 3.9 million new customers so far, with 2.4 million in the first quarter and 1.5 million total new ads in the second quarter, marking the 4th and 5th consecutive quarters with over 1 million total new ads each, and the most new ads out of all four major U.S. carriers.
T-Mobile doesn’t need a merger to stay afloat, nor do they need one to strengthen their network. They’re doing just fine on their own, and forcing the larger carriers to change things up all the while which for the most part just fosters more competition. T-Mobile continues to add compelling new features and plans to their offerings for customers, while also carrying the industry’s hottest phones and offering customers the fastest network in most cases. T-mobile still has some work to do to expand their coverage outward towards more rural areas, but T-Mobile will first and foremost always focus on where the people are, and this likely won’t change. This focus on where the people are though has caused them to drastically increase the speeds of their network and gain customers the blazing fast data speeds that they crave. Had T-Mobile ended up merging, plenty of people had concerns about whether or not they would have the same kind of experience they’ve been having with T-Mobile so far, and that’s a legitimate fear given the experience that Sprint customers have had while Sprint has been upgrading it’s network and giving it a complete overhaul. Although there are still areas of improvement for the fourth largest carrier in the U.S., T-mobile is still the fastest growing network in the country and they offer the nation’s fastest 4G LTE network speeds in most metro areas. T-Mobile doesn’t need a merger, what they need is just to keep focusing their efforts the way they have been and continue to grow their customer base and their profits.