Android Game Of The Week: Arcane Soul

If there’s one thing we’re fans of here it’s RPG titles. This side scrolling action RPG called Arcane Soul is definitely one to be excited about. First and foremost the initial thing you notice is the visuals. The graphics are HD quality and have a sort of hand drawn art style to them, which gives the game a unique look. This isn’t your typical JRPG or tactical RPG with turn based combat, it might be better described as similar to Caligo Chaser from Com2US  back in the day although it doesn’t seem to be quite the same. You could also think of this game as a sidescrolling version of Zenonia, and it’s pretty much a hack n’ slash action RPG.

Arcane Soul has three playable characters, although only two are playable at the beginning and the third, which is the hunter/archer type class, is unlockable after you play past a certain level. From that point you unlock “Lith” the archer and you can play as that type through the rest of the game if you choose by simply switching characters from the menu. You can also choose to purchase the archer through an IAP if you wish, but there is no need so why would you want to do that? The other two character types are Luke who is a magic swordsmen, and Ellisa who is a magic Swordsgirl. What I have noticed is that whether you choose Luke or Ellisa to begin with, the other will not be playable immediately and will need to be unlocked through the completion of Act 4 just like with Lith the archer.

Arcane Soul delivers up some awesome hack and slash combat, so if you like flashy attacks and the occasional evasion tactic, you’re probably going to love this game. There are also 47 skills total so there will be plenty of attacks and defense tactics to utilize. Controls are initially on screen and are really easy to get used to but the game does support gamepads, and it’s fairly open with pointing that fact out. The developers, mSeed, seem to realize the importance of adding this option in for gamers. The battles are described as dynamic, and that’s a fair assessment. You’ll have dungeons and plenty of enemies to contend with and once things begin to get a little more difficult, the character skill upgrades will be your best friend. Arcane Soul is free with IAP, so far though I haven’t come across any requests or pop ups suggesting things for me to spend my hard earned money on, which is a good sign. Arcane Soul is a lot of fun especially if you like action RPG titles, definitely give it a shot.