Android Tops the List of Number One Smartphone OS In The U.S.

Apple’s iOS versus Google’s Android OS is a battle that will wage on until one of them drops out of the picture – and from the looks of things, I doubt that will be anytime soon.  There is no arguing that worldwide the Android OS eats Apples for a snack, mostly due to the emerging nations and the Asian manufactured Android smartphones – they are in such abundance and not many people living in an emerging nation can afford an iPhone.  So many manufacturers throughout the world use the Android OS – the free and open system – iOS would have a hard time ever catching up to Android.

A new study by comScore – a leader in reporting key trends in the U.S. smartphone industry – just released some new data as of the end of the Q2, on June 2014.  While Apple ranked as the top smartphone manufacturer with 42.1-percent of the OEM market share, Google’s Android ranked as the number one platform, grabbing 51.9-percent of the market share.  The U.S. figures are way different than the worldwide scene – Apple is the only real manufacturer in the U.S., although we could still call Motorola a U.S. company, so naturally they will dominate in manufacturing area, but when you add up the sales from Samsung, LG, HTC and all the rest of the Android OEMs, that is how the Android OS dominates, even in the U.S.

When it comes to smartphone platform share, Android ranked number one at 51.9-percent of the market share, which was down 0.3-percent from the Q1.  Apple iOS came in second at 42.1-percent, which was up .7-percent from the Q1.  Microsoft was in third place with 3.4-percent, which was up 0.1-percent and BlackBerry OS was fourth at 2.4-percent, down 0.3-percent from Q1 and Symbian was bringing up the rear at 0.1-percent, down 0.1-percent.

In the U.S., of all people owning a mobile phone, 71.6-percent of those people own a smartphone – that is about 173 million people.  The rest are using the ‘full-featured’ phones that have no data or web browsing capability.  These figures show a 4-percent growth rate in the past three months, which is no surprise as carriers start to do away with those entry-level full-feature devices.  As far as OEM goes, Apple ranked as the top OEM with 42.1-percent of the U.S. subscribers, which was up 0.7-percent from Q1.  Samsung ranked second with 28.6 percent of the market share, which was up 1.6-percent.  LG followed in third with 6.4-percent, then we have Motorola at 5.9-percent and HTC with 4.8-percent.