Burger Kings Holds Online Promotion For Free Smartphones With 2-Year Contract

If you love Burger King and you love smartphones, well, you’re in luck. Today the two are beginning to go hand in hand. Popular fast food chain Burger King,(although perhaps maybe not popular enough if they’re offering promotions for free cell phones instead of focusing on putting out food, which is what their service is)has announced that they’re starting deals for customers to grab a free Android smartphone with a two year contract. You didn’t think that Burger King was just going to give away free phones for nothing did you?

The promotion is in fact not handled at Burger King locations of course, cause that would just be weird and otherwise might get a little messy for the electronics, and we all know that electronics and messes don’t go together. Users will actually have to partake of such promotions through the Burger King website, where they’ll be re-routed to Amazon after they choose an acceptable phone, and surprise surprise, Burger King’s goal behind it all is to get customers and Android owners to use its brand new Burger King Android app. Carls Jr. actually did something that was somewhat similar, where they wanted customers to use their brand new Carls app and in doing you had a chance to win a free Android smartphone, although the details were slightly different and the promotions weren’t run through the website but the app itself. You get the idea though, as both tactics were in effect just a way to get consumers to buy more fast food.

As the reports are stating all three major U.S. carriers are participating in this except T-mobile. So that leaves AT&T, Verizon Wireless and Sprint, and there are a handful of devices that are available through the Burger King promo that customers can acquire, like the Moto X, LG Optimus G Pro, the Casio G’Zone Commando, the Galaxy S III and the Galaxy S4 Active and S4 mini, LG G2, and others. Rest assured though there are no brand new 2014 flagship devices included in this promotion. To get started you just either have to already have service for the chosen carrier/smartphone combo, or setup new service with any of the given choices.