Glass isn’t exactly known or praised for its gaming scene, and there’s no reason that it should be because quite honestly that isn’t the main functionality of glass, furthermore there might only be a handful of games that could even be considered fun to play using Google’s wearable. Ingress is one of them, but unfortunately there isn’t any Ingress for Glass in the works that I know of. How about chess though, you’d play chess on your pair of Google Glass now wouldn’t you? I know that I would, if I owned a pair of Glass and if I was actually any good at chess. Sadly the closest I get to Glass is when I hang out with a close personal friend who has a pair and, I’m no good at chess. That doesn’t have to stop you though, potential grand master.
Playing games on your face may not sound all that appealing, and actually it kind of sounds like it might hurt a little, trust us though the only thing that could get hurt while playing a game of chess through Google Glass is your pride should you lose. That’s OK though too, because it’s about the journey isn’t it, not about winning. As you would expect this riveting game of mind power can be played using your voice or the touchpad on the side to make your moves, then you just have to sit back and wait for the computer to mop the floor with you, just kidding, you’ll probably win. Seriously though, unless you’re good at chess prepare to wallow in your own self pity from the pain of defeat.
When it comes to other options if you really are that good and the game feels too easy perhaps, you have the ability to import any chess engine that you wish, and you also have the ability to swap out board colors if you feel the need. Personally, I’m still waiting for Glass to have the capability to play an AR shooter of sorts, which would use the phonescreen as your trigger button to fire and the display on Glass would be used to view things in your cross-hairs. Someone needs to make that happen. Until then, your King shall be mine! Checkmate!