Google Adds Excel Support To Sheets For Android, Updates Drive With New Details Panel

Are you an avid user of Google Drive and Google sheets on Android? Us too, especially with Drive. If you’re like us and you find these two applications to be extremely helpful and a must have addition to your app library, you may already know about the new functions that both Drive and Sheets now possess. If not, we’ll share that information with you here. We realize that many people may still be working with Excel and Excel files in their personal and day to day work life, which is why you might be happy to know that Google Sheets for Android now lets you work fully with Microsoft Excel files. You can open them if you simply need to take a quick look at things, or if you need to make some changes on the trip to or from work, you can open up the file and edit it with whatever information you need to add, then save it once you’re done.

Along with those features, Sheets now also lets you insert formulas, a functionality that some might find as a very welcome addition to the app. Google also added the ability to view charts, so just in case you or someone else added the charts to spreadsheet on a PC, you can view them on your device later on. As for Drive, Google has added in a nice activity stream feature which is accessible through the new details panel.

You can find the details panel by tapping on the little “i” icon to the right of every file or folder that you have stored in Drive. In the stream you’ll find all kinds of details like who has access to that file or folder, and then basically any changes that had been made to it in a stream like feed organized by date. It also shows who made the changes as well, so you know who is modifying what, which can you help you stay on top of file management. Lastly Google also added the capability to send files or folders so that anyone who you send the link to, can view comment or edit on those files or folders. The updates should have already hit your device, but if you have auto update turned off for apps just head to the Play Store and tap the update button manually.