Google Pairs Up With Other Large Companies For A $300 Million Trans-Pacific Cable System

If Google Fiber wasn’t any indication that Google has a deep seeded love for bringing faster internet to as many people as they possibly can, perhaps their newest venture might do the trick to put things into perspective. Google, along with other large tech firms are banding together to create a trans-pacific cable system that runs between the U.S. and Japan to deliver high speed internet. The project, termed FASTER, is part of a bigger picture to create the much needed infrastructure that would give Google and other companies the tools they need to bring super fast internet to parts of the U.S. and other regions around the globe.

Google isn’t in this initiative alone of course, they are partnering up with other large tech companies like KDDI and SingTel, China Mobile International, Global Transit, and China Telecom Global. For the hardware side of things, NEC has jumped on board to provide the systems for this partnership effort, which will see optical transmission technology and a high quality 6-fiber-pair cable running through the Pacific Ocean from the U.S. to two separate locations in Japan, with one located at Shima and the other at Chikura. Through some expansion, parts of the FASTER system will reach other Asian countries as well, and on the U.S. side of things we’ll be seeing the results of these efforts hit all up and down the West Coast, at sites like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and of course LA.

The design capacity for this project is set for 60Tb/s, and will be quite an expensive project to complete, with the entire setup said to be costing around $300 million in funding between all six companies. Google and the consortium of other corporations came up with the name FASTER to represent the idea behind creating such a cable system in the first place, which is to meet the increasing demands for speedy internet traffic. In addition to being expensive, the FASTER cable system has the largest design capacity ever built on the Trans-Pacific route, which is among the world’s longest routes. It’s no wonder that the entire project it costing more than a quarter of a billion.