The Play Store has gone through many transformations since it started way back when as the Android Market on the very first Android device available to the public, the T-Mobile G1 from HTC. For the longest time one of the details of the Play Store that had undergone a change that was less than desired is the time window for the refunds allowed on app or game purchases. At one point in time during the early days the refund window was 24 hours, giving users plenty of time to try out apps and games before they decided it was something that they really wanted to keep. For years now though the refund window had been limited to just 15 minutes, which is not nearly enough time for a lot of the bigger apps and games out there. Even just a couple months ago word had spread about an apparent ability to request the refunds no matter the time limit even if had been weeks, although receiving the refund came straight from Google instead and not the developers with this method, and there was no guarantee that Google would give it as it was based on a factors and reasons for the refund.
Now it seems that Google may have changed the refund policy yet again at least to some degree, as there are reports that the refund time window is now 2 hours instead of 15 minutes on numerous paid apps and games throughout the Play Store. The refund policy itself has not actually been updated, as it still states that 15 minutes is the designated time that users will have to selectively refund a recently downloaded app or game that they have decided they do not want. I personally tested this with the game devious Dungeons as you can see from the images below, showing the initial purchase of the game at 11:47 am, and one more after the 15 minute window was up at 12:03, and yet another sometime after the 30 minute mark at 12:30. The game is available to refund even both times after the 15 minutes was over, and should be all the way until 2 hours is up according to Android Police.
This isn’t to say that it will be the case with every single game or app on the Play Store or in all regions, and Google has apparently expressed no formal explanation of these changes, which could mean we’ll never see an official policy change. Google for now seems to be testing this longer refund window to see how it likely effects the course of purchases and whether or not it perhaps makes users happier and more willing able to spend money on paid apps or games if they have more time to test them out. What do you think about the time window being stretched to 2 hours? Would be happier with this change and would it cause you to purchase more apps and games?