Here's The Stock Wallpaper For The Galaxy Note 4, Complete With Download

The Galaxy Note 4 unveiling could be just around the corner as we approach IFA in the beginning of next month, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait that long to get your hands on at least one of the QHD ready wallpapers that will be housed inside of the next big thing from Samsung, once it launches and makes its way into the hands of consumers the world over. The wallpaper,which we have here for download, is not a whole lot different in terms of what we have seen from Sammy on some of their older smartphones like the Note 3, S4, and S5, only for the fact that it uses a multitude of vibrant colors with a design very similar to some wallpapers in those phones.

Nevertheless the wallpaper is a new one and it looks to have plenty of more detail than previous wallpapers. The design of the wallpaper itself looks to be the familiar colors we know from prior device walls, but made up with a series of paint brush strokes, close up to show everything in vivid high definition detail. This is the stock Galaxy note 4 wallpaper, but there will be others in due time, surely. It’s 17MB in size, something that is kind of funny when you think about some games that are smaller than that in file size. The resolution is 2560 x 2560, but with some editing you could of course cut that down a bit and make it fit whatever device you’re packing at the moment.

There’s just one week left before IFA begins, so perhaps we’ll see the full download pack of wallpapers before the event or sometime after, and our bet is on after Samsung lifts the curtain on their upcoming new device for the year. Will you be upgrading from your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or other device? Are you a proud user of another OEM and willing to give the Galaxy Note 4 a try? Surely this wallpaper has convinced you 100 percent to switch brands, we won’t judge, it’s a nice wallpaper. Hit the download link above for the full PNG file or you can grab the 16MB jpg from this link