For you hardcore agents out there that just so happen to also own a smartwatch running the Android Wear OS, that leaves the Gear Live and the LG G Watch at this point, there is a brand new watchface that users can download from the Play Store to show your true dedication to the game and display your colors on your wrist. Integrated Watch For Ingress is a simple Ingress themed watchface that displays the time and your chosen faction logo, along with a couple of other useful pieces of information like checkpoint and cycle countdown information. If you love Ingress and you have one of the two Android Wear watches that are out currently, this is just what you need.
The watchface doesn’t include the date which is unfortunate as some other watchfaces do, and it’s nice to have on hand when you want to do a quick glance if you can’t remember the date. Hopefully the devs will seek to implement that later on. One cool thing about this watchface though is that if you are level 9 or higher, the watchface will let you display your level as well, although this should be a feature of the watchface no matter what the level is, and we think it leaves out a lot of players out who might potentially wish to display their level.
The other really cool thing is that it also includes some local faction logos, and according to the description on Google Play the devs state that if you want your local faction logo included you can send requests for them to the devs via their website, or you can contact them by email which is accessible from the Play Store page description of the app. While it’s still a far cry away from having some form of real game integration,(it would be cool if there was an Android Wear app that notified when you stumble upon dropped items and allowed you to pick them up)it’s nice to see some people taking their love of Ingress to the next level and allowing other players to share in that experience with this watchface design. The app is free, and you only need install it on your phone, which will then push the app to your watch.