Judge Koh Prevents Apple from Claiming Attorney Fees from Samsung


While the legal battles between Apple and Samsung might well be coming to an end overseas, there’s still some cleaning up that the two of them need to deal with here in the US. Unsurprisingly, Apple’s legal team is looking to get their hands on Attorney Fees from Samsung, but surprisingly Judge Koh has refused Apples request and ruled against the motion in court recently. On Wednesday, Federal District Court Judge Lucy Koh, whom will be a familiar to anyone that’s been following the Apple vs Samsung saga over the years, ruled against two motions relating to attorney fees and the injunction against Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1.

The first ruling that Judge Koh ruled on was Apple’s wish to have Samsung pay for attorney’s fees as a result of their guilty verdict concerning trade dress. Mercifully, Judge Koh ruled against the motion, effectively blocking Apple from getting any more money out of Samsung and for the second motion, Judge Koh returned a $2.6 Million bond to the Cupertino company. Said bond was put up in order to gain a sales injunction against the Galaxy Tab 10.1, taking the tablet off of shelves. The bond has been returned to Apple as the injunction against Samsung was never given, so it’s not all bad news for Apple, we suppose.

Samsung’s defense to dodge giving Apple even more cash for attorney’s fees was that the iPhone’s design was somewhat “utilitarian”, essentially saying that there’s only so many ways you can design a smartphone these days. A logical argument from Samsung that did the trick. The two companies have seemingly agreed to bury the hatchet, at least outside of the US, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see these two in court once more. Even if Tim Cook certainly seems like a more, shall we say, agreeable CEO in comparison to the late Jobs, Apple is a company known for taking competitors to court and if Samsung gets on Apple’s bad side once again, we’re sure the two will end up in the courtroom once more.